Tuesday, January 17, 2012


From the book 'CHANGE THE WORLD 9 TO 5' , these are few of my favourites reads from the book :) ==>

63. Practice good manners.
Do always try to listen. It's simply charming when people do.
Do try not to snoop into the business of others - no one likes a nosy parker.

76. Use one of these email signatures.
(I like this one) Sorry this is an email and not a face-to-face conversation.

77. Show empathy.
Everyday, with measureless heroism, people are dealing with all kinds of terrible things. We are not asking you to stick your nose in where it's not wanted. Just treat people with respect. Be aware that we are all sentient, suffering human beings.

79. Give up some spare time.
If you used some of that time to help other people, you'd feel better. It just happens to be one of the few immutable laws of the universe.

84. Smile when you answer the phone.
You can hear a smile.

85. Support small businesses.
Use your local newsagent and your local local.
To prevent them from disappearing.

93. Don't judge someone by the job they do.
For instance: just because someone is a corporate lawyer doesn't mean that they are necessarily a selfish, heartless person driven by greed.
Ok, 99 times out of 100, it does. But keep believing and you'll meet the 100th one day.

99. Know how you fit into the bigger picture.
When John Kennedy bumped into a janitor at NASA and asked him what he did, the man replied, 'Helping to put a man on the moon.'
That's a genuinely inspiring story.

From the book 'STRESS LESS, LIVE MORE' by Richard Blonna

1. Calculate the no of days you have lived so far.

2. Substract this no from 30 000.
This is the approximate no of days you have left on this earth.

3. Compile 3 lists :
a) Things I want to start doing.
b) Things I want to continue doing.
c) Things I want to stop doing.
Take your time and consider each very carefully.

4. Describe how you want to spend the rest of your life, using the details from those 3 lists.

5. What are the stressful thoughts, scary pictures & painful emotions that are keeping you from doing this?

6. What are you willing to accept and take action on in spite of the things you listed in step 5?

“If we wait until we’re ready, we’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives.” — Lemony Snicket

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