Sunday, July 11, 2010

How long do you wait to have sex?

(picture taken from

Does waiting for sex make love last longer?

How long do you normally wait to sleep with someone?

The reason why I normally wait :
- because I want to make the men work a little bit and earn it.
- I don't want to be labelled as easy.
- the steps towards sex are exciting. Today we kiss, next week he can touch my boobs , the following week he can see me topless, the following week I am naked. Isn't that more interesting than just do everything today?
- if I have sex today (I'm sure it will be great), our next dates will be full of watching DVD at his place and order pizza. (so that we can have sex.) And I do like it, but at the start of knowing someone, I want dinner dates and romance. And desserts.

I did sometimes have sex on the first dates. That's normally when I drink too much wine and feel all happy and in love:). And that the world is beautiful and that tomorrow maybe the end of the world. What is that Quote, Life for today?
I still remember the sex the next day though, because I've never been totally drunk or wasted.

Sometimes you wonder will the guys brand you as 'that type of girl' , slut, one night stand material?
Really which nice girls have sex just like that without making sure that the guy is serious?
Will he think that way? Will he ever call again?

I think yes he will call again if the sex is great. If the sex Is bad, no way, because after one date, he hasn't known you well enough to really develop a feeling for you.

Will he only call to make random booty calls? If you are drunk and looked silly, and act slutty probably that's how he sees and feels about you. But If you showed him that you are a girl with substance and a great personality, it doesn't have to be the case. He may want more than sex and that he may want to get to know you better. He'll remember at how an amazing girl you are rather than just how great is the sex.

Some people wait to have sex because they are worried that the sex will not be good enough. "Im not that experienced, my body is not perfect", this and that. At least after a couple of months, the spouse had developed feelings and bad sex are forgivable. Right?

I know couples who break up because the sex is not great. I think the longer you wait for sex, the more is the expectation to be special, and when it is not great, you are disappointed. And part of the reason is because the longer you wait, it get to your nerve and fear. First date sex, no pressure. I don't love him anyway. After 3 months, I have to be the best that he's ever been with. Because I love him.

But there are some people who think that bad sex is not everything. What we had, relationship is much more special. And when they are toO cool about it, they don't realize at how big a deal it is.

Face it, sex is a big deal. It's more than just jerking for a man and a vibrator for a woman. It's more than orgasms. It's the intimacy, the touching and kissing and the giving and receiving pleasure. Sex is very important in a relationship and we shouldn't take it too lightly.

Waiting on how soon to have sex varies among people.
But personally i dont Wait until marriage because we are human being and sex is a natural needs, if God doesn't want us to have sex, and why he create us with this hormonal factors? Not everybody get married early for various reasons and Sex with people (with protection) Is much healthier than masturbating and sex toys, don't you think?

Sex is also known for many health benefits :
- regulate your period.
- youthful glow.
- raise the oestrogen levels, make hair shiny and skin supple.
- boost production of the antibody immunoglobullin A (lgA), to prevent cold and flu.
- the stimulation of the vagal nerve has the effect of the hormone oxytocin. -> reduce stress.
- sex raises levels of oxytocin and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) which r thought to help prevent breast cancer.
- sex release endorphins, which have been shown to decrease feelings of pain. Ex: period pain.
- sex also increase levels of corticosteroids and endorphins which raise pain thresholds and have an analgesic effect. Ex: to ease joint pain.

So, are you going to have sex tonight? :)



  1. i like sex.
    but im not a slut..
    and i'm not easy...

    :-) i agree.
    keep it up

  2. I really enjoy your style
